[Ponte Alto] Sewing/A&S/woodworking/archery/whatever Sunday June 4th

Charlotte Johnson mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
Thu Jun 1 10:35:37 PDT 2006

Hi all,

We're on for play day this Sunday, June 4th. Come over and sew, work in the
woodshop, shoot archery (weather dependent), rapier, WMA, or whatever. Pennsic
is only two months away! It's time to crank out some garb, camp furniture, or
other various and sundries to make your life more comfortable.

All are invited to work on a project, it doesn't have to be sewing
or woodworking. It just has to not let poison gasses into my home,
etc. etc. I do ask people to police their pins and other equipment,
as Henry is crawling - and FAST.

NEWCOMERS: You are especially welcome. You don't need a project, you
don't need anything. If you want to just sit, chat, and watch,
that's great.
Anybody who wants to stay through dinner, please let me know, and bring
something to share. 

Please contact me off-list for directions. We are generally located in
Southern MD, between La Plata and Indian Head.

See you Sunday!

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