[Ponte Alto] Memorial Service at Pennsic for Alan Wormser

Lara Coutinho aka Sophia the Orange orange at indy.net
Mon Jul 31 17:07:49 PDT 2006

Greetings Friends, 
A short memorial service will be held at 10:00pm on August 14th, the Monday evening of War Week, in Camp Spartii at Pennsic for Alan Wormser who died August 12, 2005.

Alan was known in the Kingdom of Atlantia as Sandor Vitez, a one year member of the Barony of Ponte Alto, avid fencer and dancer, and an honorable Jewish Hungarian wine merchant.

At sundown, about 8:30ish, I will sit down in one spot in the Spartii camp and stay there until bedtime.  At 10:00 I will begin a memorial service of my own design.  I intend to mark the one year anniversary of this unique tragedy with song, prayer, and storytelling.

If you knew Alan/Sandor and wish to honor his memory, please come join me.  If you wish to support me in my process, especially those who were running ragged last year trying to do so, please come.  You are welcome to come sit with me for whatever portion of the evening works for you.  If you wish to participate in the structured memorial service, please be there at 10:00pm.

There are other things happening in Camp Spartii on Monday evening, so I ask you to please respect our community space and just be polite.  All who wish to honor the memory of Alan/Sandor are welcome.  Please *don't* come for the food or entertainment.  You'll be dissapointed.

Please recognize that we are relying on the honor system.  Please fwd this invitation to any interested person or list with the understanding that this is not a party invitation.  Alan's death was sudden and tragic, and the opportunities to use community ceremony to assist in healing have been few.  I am creating this moment in time and space to honor the significance of Alan's passing and it's unusual connection to Pennsic.  Doing so in the community setting of Pennsic one year and two days after his death will be healing in a way no other moment can be.

Thank you for your love and support, 
Sophia the Orange (Lara Coutinho), Alan's fiancee

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