[Ponte Alto] IMPORTANT: Ponte Alto Pennsic Encampment Infomation

Miles de Locwode milesdelocwode at cox.net
Tue Jul 25 18:19:00 PDT 2006

Welcome to the Ponte Alto Pennsic Encampment

Below are some guidelines for camp. Please read them thoroughly.

We are camping in N31 on the east end of the block on Wroexeter Rd.

Camp fees
·  Camp fees are $11 per person. That includes all children except babes in
arms (two and under).
·  Camp fees are not pro-rated to the length of your stay. A small price to
pay for the luxury of hot showers IMO.
·  Camp fees are the actual cost of all the supplies we use in camp. Water
filters, propane and firewood are our biggest expenses.
·  Camp supplies are for the maintenance of the camp in general. They are
not for personal use.

Cash only since it is impossible to cash checks at Pennsic.  Camp fees must
be paid the day you arrive in camp.  Miles our Land Agent or Luce our Camp
Steward will be collecting them.

 Waterworks - SOS – Save Our Sump

One of the most important issues in camp is management of our sump. In order
to have camp showers and a sink we must manage our water use. There is
enough water but a limited way to drain it. If the sump fills up there will
be no showers until it drains sufficiently.  Please shower as efficiently as

The same goes for using the sink. Please do not keep the water running.
Bleach will be provided to add to rinse water. (1 tsp/2 gallons water) to
disinfect dishes. To encourage hand washing, antibacterial soap will also be

You may want to bring bottled drinking water. Most of us do. The water at
Pennsic is safe to drink but you probably won’t want to. Despite the
extensive filtering we do, the water has an extremely high iron content. It
will stain light colored clothing or towels. Adding bleach only causes more
iron to leach out. Your body may not tolerate the high mineral content.

Arrival in camp
In order to get into Pennsic you must have the following:




For more detailed information on Troll:

We are assigned to N31 this year.  We will be on the east end of the block.
Use Wroexeter Road to get to the camp.
You can see where the block is here: http://land.pennsicwar.org/maps/
Scroll down to see the full map.

Please pull off the road. You must move your car to the parking lot after
you are unloaded. We need to make room for other arrivals. It is important
to move your vehicle ASAP. It has been brought to our attention that towing
regulations will be in full force this year. If you don’t want to be towed,
do not leave your vehicle parked at camp or in an area not designated for

Find Miles or Peronelle.  If they are not in camp there will be a map in the
common tent that shows where you are camping. Your spot will also be marked
with flags. Place the front corners of your tent where these flags are. Your
space is precisely measured to ensure that we all fit on the block and you
are the proper distance from your neighbors. If for some reason you do not
fit – Find Miles or Peronelle before you do anything else.  We will fix it
to where everything fits again.

Please do not put personal trash from your tent in the common tent garbage
can. There is a large dumpster not far from the encampment for trash

Cooper’s Lake does recycle aluminum. There are recycle bins in the food
court and near the Camp Store

Be a good neighbor
The encampment is our home for the duration of the war. Treat it as if you
are a guest in someone else’s home. Clean up after yourself. Pitch in. Ask
permission to use a chair, enter a day shade or tent. Deal with each other
kindly and with tolerance and we shall all get along just fine.

Tents and pavilions only provide the illusion of privacy.  If you talk loud
enough everything you say will be heard.  If it's night and you light the
tent from the inside, we can see everything you do.  Ignore these facts at
your peril.

There are several Newcomers camping with us. Welcome them.  Tell them your
Pennsic stories and let them know how things work. If you note someone
camping with us who you don't know, be friendly and introduce yourself.

Not all of us are going to be keeping the same schedule.  Some will rise
early, and some will rise late.  Some will go to bed early, some will go to
bed late.  If it is before 9 a.m. or after 11 p.m., please keep noise levels
down in camp.
If there is a problem you don’t feel you can resolve with a neighbor, then
speak to Perronelle or Shenafin.

Children at Pennsic
There will be children in camp.  Families have special needs and these
should be honored.  Parents bringing children should understand that many
activities at Pennsic (particularly in the evening) might not be appropriate
for children and they should be prepared to monitor their children as they
would at home. In addition we would like to remind everyone that there are
things that should not be done or said in front of children

>From the Pennsic Handbook:
A parent or court appointed guardian must remain at the War for so long as
the Minor remains on site. No Minor may be left unattended at the site.
Minors are to be supervised by their parents or an individual designated by
their parents at all times.
Children under the age of 12 must be within voice range or in sight of a
responsible adult or teenager at all times.
All people 12 years and under who leave camp after dark must be accompanied
by an adult. Please help us to keep your children safe and sound!
Minors under 16 must be in their encampment or in the company of an Adult
after 11 PM.
Pennsylvania law does not recognize children under the age of 12 years as
suitable baby-sitters. The War does not provide baby-sitting services. If
you feel that you need a sitter to enjoy this event, please make prior
arrangements for an appropriate sitter at War.
Camp Management
The members of the Pennsic Planning Committee have spent many, many hours to
make our encampment a comfortable place to be. You can do your share by
helping with the day to day management.

We have a variety of tasks that will help keep our encampment safe, clean
and a comfortable place to be. Everyone is expected to help in some way.
There will be a list of “things that need to be done”. Please see Nick to
sign up in the camp notebook in the common tent.
There will be a marker board with the day’s tasks listed and other messages.
Please check this daily.

Common Tent and Fire Pit
The common tent is there for all to enjoy. Bring your chair and your
projects and socialize with our guests and other campers. The common tent is
not to be used for meal preparation. Please no smoking in the common tent.
Cigarette butts go in the firepit!

Be alert to security issues.  If you see someone in a place that you know
they aren't supposed to be, ask, "Can I help you?"  The person probably
means no harm and genuinely needs help.  But if it is an intruder, this is a
non-threatening way to let him know he has been identified and should leave.

If you light a fire, you are responsible for monitoring it and making sure
that fire is completely out before you retire. Two buckets of water must
remain at the fire pit at all times. If you use them you must refill them.

Troops will be mustering at the Baronial Encampment. Please do not leave
your armor etc .in the common tent.
Atlantian Court – Wed. 7 pm – At the Fort
Baronial Court – Tues. 7 pm in the Baronial Encampment
Baronial Open House – Tues. after Court – Potluck bring food or drink to
The Common area is open to all Pontoons. Come visit!
Firepit/Potential Bardic/General Carousing each evening

In Conclusion!

Please review the Pennsic Site Regulations before leaving for war. They can
be found at:

Please also read the fire safety regulations

We recommend each camper have a fire extinguisher for their tent.

Have a good war!


The Ponte Alto Pennsic Land Team

Miles – Land Agent
Luce – Camp Steward
William - Fortifications
Perronelle - Advisor
Her Excellency Belphoebe - CEO

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