[Ponte Alto] No Thursday Practice for the next 7 weeks for me....

xena6633 at aol.com xena6633 at aol.com
Sat Feb 25 23:04:12 PST 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com>
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Sent: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 17:13:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Ponte Alto] No Thursday Practice for the next 7 weeks for me....

Hi All,

I've been accepted into a Japanese program that meets
for an hour and a half 7:30 - 9:00pm on Thursday's. I
will not be at the Ponte Alto practices on Thursday
for the next seven weeks, except on the first Thursday
of March, becaue of ladies night. I will be available
at the College Park practice for the next seven weeks
and if you are interested then I can make time to work
with you there, or at my place sometime during the

I know interest has been expressed in getting together
to do melee's. If anyone is interested in doing this
on Wednesdays in the mean time, please contact me off
list at the above listed e-mail? Depending on how much
interest is generated I'll see what I can put together
in the way of a potluck/melee practice. :)

Lady Marie-Therese Normand
Greetings Lady Marie-Therese Normand,
Just wanted to let you know that Simon and I are interested in the melee practice.

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