[Ponte Alto] Volunteers for Love and Beauty

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 14 08:14:31 PST 2006

Hi Courtney,
  I should be at Loudon County Fair Ground on Friday. What happened to the site inspection we are suppose to do 3 days before the event? 

Lady Courtney de Houghton <courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com> wrote:
    Greeting to my fellow Pontoons!
  I am trying to get a count of everyone who still feels they can come and help with site set-up this coming friday the 17th.  Connor and I will be on site between 4 and 4:30.  With traffic as it is, we would be happy to see anyone joining us around 5 or 6. 
  I currently have 6 people from the sign-up sheet, and just need to know who is still coming, and if others have made plans to do so?
  Set-up should be fairly simple, mostly moving tables, putting up decorations, and arranging the layout of the site. We don't anticipate a late night, especially if everyone can show up!
  Also, we are still looking for volunteers for clean-up, and while I have a few people signed up for that, we will need a few more.  Please let me know if you have interest and availability.
  Connor and I appreciate any help that can be provided!

            Lady Courtney de Houghton 
  Atlantian Clerk of Law
  Barony of Ponte Alto Chronicler
  St. Anne's Clothiers Guild Webminister
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