[Ponte Alto] Business Meeting - This Sunday at 6 pm.

agnes daunce agnes_daunce at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 14:20:59 PDT 2006

I thought the meeting was cancelled so I won't be there.
However, I am still planning on being headserver which includes
hight table service. I sent Katerina an email as I want to get
the serving tabards, the ponto alot candleholders and some of
the fancier trays from the storage locker. I sent the headcook
an email requesting copy of menu so I can prepare for high table
service. I will be asking Marsalli and Mary to help serve high
table. If I don't get volunteers to serve the individual tables
I will ask someone from each table to get the trays for their
table. Who is doing hall decorations and will it include high
table. If high table is not included I will decorate the high
Agnes Daunce

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