[Ponte Alto] Kingdom Crusades and warband practice

Connor Sinclair connorsinclair at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 11:33:45 PDT 2006

As the weary yet battle hardened troops return from
the Great Pennsic campaign with thoughts of hearth,
home, and harvest, our one time friends and allies the
Kingdom of the East is already making plans of
re-asserting its overlordship of this fair kingdom. We
cannot sit still for this. Atlantia will triumph as
always. For all of the soldiers who could not venture
out to the fields of Pennsic, now is your chance to
show our northern neighbors your true mettle. And for
all the soldiers who have come back from the fields of
Pennsic, come on you apes, do you want to live

In times past the Northern Army has been chided for
it’s lack of numbers arrayed and mustered to fight the
East Kingdom. Ponte Alto will not be so chided this
year. In the name of our most excellent Baron and
Baroness, Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli and Belphoebe
de Givetable, I call all bodied fighters of both
armoured and civilian defense to rally to our king’s
banner and drive back the so called Tyger of the East.

We will resume melee practices in September to better
prepare ourselves for the coming storm. 
The first melee practice will be held Sunday September
10th starting at 2 of the clock in the afternoon at
Tyson’s Pimmit Park. A second and perhaps northern
regional practice will be held Sunday September 17th
at the same time and location. And, if time and
schedules allow, one last practice before Crusades
itself on October 1st.  
If you have any questions please contact me directly.
In Service
~Lord Connor Sinclair de Winterfell 
– Captain of the Ponte Alto Baronial Warband.

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