[Ponte Alto] Business Meeting - This Sunday at 6 pm.

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 23 13:29:42 PDT 2006

Greetings to the Barony of Ponte Alto,

A few things regarding the meeting this Sunday July 23rd - the 4th Sunday of the month - at 6 pm.
1) Since I'm a bit delayed in sending out this email, the agenda will be sent out before noon on Friday.
2) I still need to meet with some of the officers, please contact me with a time that works well for you. I can stay late after the meeting or show up a bit early to meet. Also, I will be attending Coronation and we can talk then. Please let me know!
3) If you have anything new business related you wish to bring up, please send me an email by Thursday evening (tomorrow) to get it on the agenda. This could be anything from a new project for the barony or a new event.
4) If any of my officers will not be able to make the meeting, please let me know before COB Thursday and forward me your report by then.

The July's meeting minutes can be found at our online newsletter - http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/iltempo/minutes.php.

Again, please let me know if you need anything and I can be reached via email katdevereaux at hotmail.com or phone - 571-239-2183.

See you on Sunday!


THL Katharine Devereaux
Barony of Ponte Alto
Kingdom of Atlantia
Baronial Seneschal
St. Anne's Clothier's Guild Mistress
Per Saltire Erminois and Pean
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