[Ponte Alto] Barional Warband

Connor Sinclair connorsinclair at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 10:28:51 PDT 2006

Greetings all,
After getting back from war and getting settled back
into routines, I wanted to take this moment to thank
everyone who came out and supported Ponte Alto, both
on and off the field.
I would also like to say that I am proud, really proud
of the Warband. From the newer fighters on, we fielded
a cohesive fighting force. The field battle alone, we
fielded 17 Pontoons and throughout the first field
battle we maintained our order of battle through to
the end. We exhibited teamwork and drive and everyone
who fought upon the field should be commended.
I also want to thank my command staff, especially Lord
Mathieu Chartrain for leading the warband on Monday in
the Town battle.  And I would also like to thank Sir
Thomas of Calais, Sir Guy LeStrange and Lord Jonah
MacCoghlin for their support as well. Your help has
been integral in the fighting prowess of this barony.

Gwenivere Azure Lys should also be noted for sticking
it out through the very end of almost every battle and
has become our mascot on the field. ;-)

Once again thanks to everyone who made Pennsic fun.

(By the way, Your Excellencies, I also have the older
baronial warbanner at my house.)

Many Thanks,

Lord Connor Sinclair de Winterfell 

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