[Ponte Alto] New storage unit

Melanie / Millicent melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 08:57:26 PDT 2005

Greetings to the fine populace of Ponte Alto,

I have happy news. We will be moving into a larger storage unit
Saturday, November 5. Even more happily, it is not only in the same
building but also the same floor as our current unit.

If there are three or four brave souls who are willing to join me in
moving our baronial belongings on the afternoon of the 5th, I would be
very grateful. We should be able to make quick work of the move
(especially since no stairs or elevators are involved).

Sincerely, your very happy exchequer,

Melanie Cozad                 melaniesuzanne at gmail.com
~ Lady Millicent Chandler (formerly Melissent d'Artois) ~
                ~ Chancellor of the Exchequer ~
        ~ Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia ~

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