[Ponte Alto] Longbow show on WETA Friday, 10:00 pm (may be repeated)
Saethryth Farsight
saethryth_farsight at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 21 12:40:03 PDT 2005
Tales of the Bow -
The longbow is one of man's oldest weapons. TALES OF
THE BOW traces the history of this simple, yet highly
effective piece of early technology which had a
profound effect upon the way in which the western
world carried out warfare for centuries. The
documentary explores the English and Welch longbowmen
of Edward III, the Black Prince, and Henry V more than
470 years ago. TALES OF THE BOW uses re-enactments,
excellent computer graphics and interviews with
experts to examine how various civilizations from the
Egyptians and Assyrians to the Greeks and Romans, and
the Vikings to the Saxons, developed and deployed the
ancient weapon. Bow making is explored as well as the
role of the bow in legend, such as in William Tell and
Robin Hood.
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