[Ponte Alto] Demos...

Charlotte Johnson mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
Mon May 2 09:20:04 PDT 2005

> SCA sponsored activities occur under our rules and procedures...including the
> martial policies and standards.
> Therefore, no nonSCA approved martial activities within the context of the
> SCA which includes demos.
> There is a clear difference between demonstrating a fighting style and
> displayed a helm.
> Anne le Coeur, OP
> Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
> seneschal at atlantia.sca.org

This is very true, though I also believe that there's also a clear difference
between slow-work with a wooden waster, while demonstrating medieval sword work
*as an educational activity*, not as a martial activity...


full-speed SCA combat, with rattan, while demonstrating SCA combat methods.

I believe that only one of these activities should be in a classroom lesson
about the middle ages.

As Kevin mentioned, I believe this is a great topic for discussion.


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