[Ponte Alto] Archers Call to Arms

Miles de Locwode milesdelocwode at cox.net
Tue Mar 29 17:33:42 PST 2005

Archers of Ponte Alto,

Your Baronial Champion is in need of your services at the Canton of
Sudentorre's event, Defending the Gate on April 9th.  On that day, a team
archery tourney will be held.  Teams will be based on a point system
according to their royal round rankings. A team can have no more than 10
points worth of skill. The points are as follows: Novice = 1, Archer = 2,
Marksman = 3, Bowman = 4, Grand Bowman = 5, Grand Bowman Elite = 6.  This is
where your help is needed.  Currently, the Barony's team has one marksman
(yours truly) for a grand total of 3 points.  This means that our team has
enough room for seven novice or 3 archers and a novice or ..... I think you
get the picture.  

I know we have a number of new archers and some of you are without equipment
but do not worry, we have loaner gear.  Even more do not have a royal round
ranking, again do not worry, we can work that out as well.  So if you are
interested in joining your Baronial Archery Team, please email me off-line
at milesdelocwode at cox.net.  

Yours in Service,
Miles de Locwode
Baronial Archery Champion

The Rule of the Sword:  The man with the Bow wins!
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