[Ponte Alto] Stenwood Elementary Demo

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Wed Mar 23 10:27:28 PST 2005

Greetings O Noble Populace of Ponte Alto!

Our annual demo for Stenwood Elementary is scheduled for Friday, April 8th,
at 12:30 p.m.  The demo itself will last about an hour, and we have been
invited to attend the "feast" the fifth graders have planned afterwards.
(I.e. you CAN do this over a lunch hour if you wish...)

This has always been a really fun demo, and your participation would be MOST
appreciated.  Whatever aspect of Medieval life interests you, we'd love to
feature it in a short presentation to the kids.  Fighters with armor are
especially welcome (although there will be no actual combat at the demo --
the kids like to see the armor tho').  I have tabletop siege engines, so
there will be marshmallows being flung at the kids, which is ALWAYS

Please contact me at scalucia at cox.net to let me know if you can help us.
This year is particularly important since we are trying to work out an
arrangement with Fairfax County Schools where we can exchange demos for
reduced rental fees on school sites.  We may have one or more members of the
Fairfax County School Board present to see what our demos are like, so I'd
like to have at least 3-4 people if possible.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

In Service,

Luce Antony Venus

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