[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Fwd: Just Two Weeks Away Highland Foorde's Fellowship of the Moose

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 4 07:42:33 PST 2005

Greeting Ponte Alto,

Forwarded at the request of the Autocrat for Fellowship of the Moose. Read if you are interested in this event.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

it just dawned on me <beiskaldi at yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 07:07:17 -0800 (PST)
From: it just dawned on me 
To: Merry Rose 
Subject: [MR] Fwd: Just Two Weeks Away Highland Foorde's Fellowship of the

The autocrat asked me to forward this here. Apologies as Yahoo strips
any html down to plain text, so there are no cool colors or fonts. The
event website has been corrected.

Reservations are going fast!!!

Fellowship of the Moose

March 19, 2005
Barony of Highland Foorde 
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA 

The Barony of Highland Foorde invites all of our friends to join us in
the celebration of the return of the Moose. 

This will be a day of period table top gaming, riddles, archery, and
period outdoor gaming.

There will be an arts and science display with the theme of period
games. There is also an arts and science competition of period games.

Prizes will be given for best gamer, winner of the arts and science
competition, and the winner of the archery competition.



Martial Activities

Day of Archery.

Arts & Sciences Activities

Period games display and competition


Adult, SCA Member: $7.00 Day-Trip Only $14.00 Day-Trip with Feast 
Adult, SCA Non-Member: $10.00 Day-Trip Only $17.00 Day-Trip with Feast 
Child (6-17): $3.00 Day-Trip Only $6.00 Day-Trip with Feast 
Child (0-5): Guests of the Barony 

***** Cost Notes *****

If you pre-register by March 12, there is a discount for adult

The costs will be $6.00 for Day-Trip only and $12.00 for Day-Trip with
Feast for all paid reservation received by March 12th. 

There is no discount for children's pre-registration. 

However, there is a $25.00 maximum per family for families who



The site is the Wilson Ruritan, 16204 Old National Pike (Rt.40) in
Hagerstown, MD. 21740

Site opens at 9:00 AM
Event begins/troll opens at 10:00 AM
Event closes at 10:00 PM

Site Restrictions

NO PETS ALLOWED inside the building, except for guide dogs
(registered). No seeing-eye ferrets or iguanas. Site is discreetly wet
(alcohol permitted) with period containers; please discard of any
empties appropriately.

Feast Information

There will be a feast for one hundred (100) and THE ONLY RESERVATION IS

If you have any food allergies or concerns please contact the

Feastocrat: Devorguilla of Darragh (Debbie Williams)
debbiew at netstorm.net

Merchanting Information

Merchants are very welcome to come and set up their wares and 
should contact the Autocrat for more information.

Autocrat's Information

Lady Lucrezia di Francesca (Frances Ryan)
915 Chestnut Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740 
Phone Number: (301)797-7614 
E-mail: blackstar at myactv.net


Send reservations to Autocrat. Please make checks payable to Barony of
Highland Foorde/SCA, INC.


1) Take your best route to MD I-70 
2) Take exit 24, Rt. 63 North towards Huyett 
3)Approximately 1.4 miles at the 2nd light take a left on Rt. 40 West
(Old National Pike) 
5/10 of a mile at the top of the hill on the right is the drive into
the Wilson Ruritan.

I affirm that permission has been obtained from each person listed in
this announcement to publish their personal information electronically.

dawn / thyra

Yes I am an agent of the devil, but it is largely a ceremonial position.

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