[Ponte Alto] Temporary Room Mate

ewilmore ewilmore at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 05:20:37 PDT 2005

We need a roommate!  But we need someone longterm to take over our former roommate's lease.  We are in West Fairfax (near Fair Oaks mall) in a GREAT location.  The room has it's own bathroom and is only $442.  Utilities run to about $60 per month but they fluctuate...they are often less than that! :)
You should give me a call if you are interested! 703 899 8049

Nicholas Wizorek <nicholaswiz at hotmail.com> wrote:
I was wondering if anyone was looking for a roommate on a long term or a 
temporary basis? My commute from Md is getting to be to long and I need a 
place to stay for a couple of weeks. If anyone is interested in having a 
good cook stay with them and split the bills I would be great full for the 

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