[Ponte Alto] Authorization for Pennsic

Turgeis Hakonson turgeis_hakonson at verizon.net
Thu Jun 30 10:45:54 PDT 2005

Unto the Good People of this fine Kingdom
Does Baron Turgeis Hakonson Send Humble Greetings

As the Great Pennsic War approaches and Atlantia prepares Her forces, I am compelled to do everything within my ability to help in fielding as large and capable Army as we can.

To that end I will be hosting a "Last Chance for Authorizations" fighter practice at my home in the Barony of Steirbach.  I have secured the blessing of Master Roland, the DEM for Armored combat and have commitments from two warranted MoL's all in keeping with the current KEM policy.

The date for this endeavor I hope to determine by the needs of those wishing to participate to include warranted Marshals and tester fighters (authorized fighters and can test the candidate) as well as potential candidates for authorization.  Without enough Marshals and testers from a variety of areas and authorized weapons forms, this will be a fruitless exercise.

We have a choice of three dates to choose from:

17 July which is the Sunday following Kingdom Archery and one week before King's Assessments.

30 July being the last Saturday of the month and no other event on 
the Kingdom Calendar.

31 July, the following Sunday.

Please reply to me personally with the above dates ranked in your 
order of preference (1,2,3).  

If you are responding as a candidate needing authorization please 
Name:  SCA or Mundane if you are still working on a SCAdian name
Your Local Group (Shire, Canton, Barony)
Weapons Form you wish to authorize in.

If you are a warranted Marshal/tester and would like to assist 
(please, please, please) I will need:
Local Group
Weapons Forms you are authorized in

MIT's are welcome, but I am unsure at this time if this endeavor will count as an "event" for your paperwork.  I will seek clarification on this and get back to individual as needed.

I will provide directions to my home once I have made a determination as to if and when this will happen.  Please understand that I am asking a lot of those who have volunteered to assist me.  Therefore I will only be able to conduct this event on the ONE date that best meets the need of everyone.  

In Service to Knight, Crown and Kingdom,
Baron Turgeis
Squire to Syr Forgal
Steirbach Baronial Warlord.

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