[Ponte Alto] Looking for a site for a Newcomer'sGarb/Sewing/Persona Development Night

Nicholas Wizorek nicholaswiz at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 31 10:21:15 PST 2005

I would be willing to host an sewing day on the 12 if the weather is 
permitting.  It would be really nice to see if we could get a range of 
people that have different personas.  This would also be a good opportunity 
to get some of our new fencers fighting garb that is puncture resistant and 
teach them how to make their own armor.  Let me know what everyone thinks,

>From: Marsaili Johnston <ladymarsaili at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
>To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
>Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Looking for a site for a 
>Newcomer'sGarb/Sewing/Persona Development Night
>Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:31:49 -0800 (PST)
>Hi All!
>Let me say right off, I did NOT mean that someone outside of the Ponte Alto 
>boundaries isn't welcome to host a Garb Night.  I was simply hoping for a 
>more 'central' location to be the most convenient for the largest number of 
>people.  Considering how close all local baronies are and that we all play 
>together on a regular basis, that shouldn't be a problem at all.
>And WOW!  What a great response I've gotten from this request too.  When I 
>have a little more time, I'll get back to everyone that's offered -- you 
>are all WONDERFUL!! -- and see what we can do to set several Garb Nights 
>for the next few months.
>Thanks to you all,
>Kevin Maxson <Kevin at Maxson.com> wrote:
> >Well drat. I was going to volunteer but since I live
> >only a few minutes from you I guess my home is far as
> >well. Piffle.
>Friends, I feel I must add some thoughts to this issue.
>Ponte Alto is actually one of the smallest baronies in the
>kingdom. We have Arlington County, and most of Fairfax
>County - not even two full counties worth. I will be the
>first to recognize that land mass is not the only issue, we
>also have traffic to consider. I was born in Fairfax
>County, I've lived here my entire life; I understand.
>I've also traveled to every group in this kingdom, even
>Border Vale Keep in Augusta, GA. The people who live in
>the larger baronies - Windmasters' Hill, Stierbach, etc -
>understand that traveling for their "local" activities is
>not only necessary but rewarding. Wouldn't it serve our
>newcomers better to encourage them to experience more of
>the hospitality and energy of this barony by traveling to
>multiple locations? If not, who is to determine what
>locale best serves all of the populace?
>Lady Melissent has opened her home to the advancement of
>the arts, and from the reports I've gotten, meetings at her
>home have been enjoyable and valuable. It would be sad to
>not be able to allow her to share her hospitality with the
>barony's newcomers based upon her location within our two-
>county barony.
>+ Kevin of Thornbury, OP
>+++ (Kevin Maxson)
>| Kevin at Maxson.com
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>Lady Marsaili Johnston
>Barony of Ponte Alto
>Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting!
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