[Ponte Alto] Inventory of Baronial property

nlcovington at mindspring.com nlcovington at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 12 14:10:27 PST 2005

Barony archery gear--bows and arrows; numbers of each unknown, but at least a couple more bows than you handed to me from the locker, and with new strings : ) 

Barony archery champion's sash/armband/whatever it's called--I'll probably think of the term shortly after I mail this, but hopefully you know what I mean. It wouldn't fit everyone's waist, but it does fit mine. 

I believe that's all I have.


-----Original Message-----
From: Melanie Cozad <melaniesuzanne at gmail.com>
Sent: Jan 12, 2005 2:02 PM
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Inventory of Baronial property

Good gentles,

If you have an Baronial property in your possession (including
regalia) could you please send me a response, off list, so that I
might have a complete accounting of our belongings. It is quite okay
with me if an item lives with you; I simply need to know that it
exists and where.

Thank you in advance,
Melissent, Chamberlain

Melanie Cozad
Lady Melissent d'Artois [SCA - Kingdom of Atlantia - Barony of Ponte Alto]
Milicent Chapman [Lord Grey's Retinue]
melaniesuzanne at gmail.com

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