[Ponte Alto] Looking for a site for a Newcomer's Garb/Sewing/Persona Development Night
Kevin Maxson
Kevin at Maxson.com
Mon Jan 31 07:01:23 PST 2005
>Well drat. I was going to volunteer but since I live
>only a few minutes from you I guess my home is far as
>well. Piffle.
Friends, I feel I must add some thoughts to this issue.
Ponte Alto is actually one of the smallest baronies in the
kingdom. We have Arlington County, and most of Fairfax
County - not even two full counties worth. I will be the
first to recognize that land mass is not the only issue, we
also have traffic to consider. I was born in Fairfax
County, I've lived here my entire life; I understand.
I've also traveled to every group in this kingdom, even
Border Vale Keep in Augusta, GA. The people who live in
the larger baronies - Windmasters' Hill, Stierbach, etc -
understand that traveling for their "local" activities is
not only necessary but rewarding. Wouldn't it serve our
newcomers better to encourage them to experience more of
the hospitality and energy of this barony by traveling to
multiple locations? If not, who is to determine what
locale best serves all of the populace?
Lady Melissent has opened her home to the advancement of
the arts, and from the reports I've gotten, meetings at her
home have been enjoyable and valuable. It would be sad to
not be able to allow her to share her hospitality with the
barony's newcomers based upon her location within our two-
county barony.
+ Kevin of Thornbury, OP
+++ (Kevin Maxson)
| Kevin at Maxson.com
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