[Ponte Alto] February El Tempo

Julina julina at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 25 12:08:51 PST 2005

Greetings to my fellow Ponte Altoians er uh Ponte Alto-ites er uh pontoons? er uh lets try this again

Greetings to the good and kind gentles of our fine barony!!

Tis once again to take quill in hand and pen our next issue of our fine newsletter.  I come before you on bended knee to ask for your contributions, artwork, articles, or any other comments, updates, changes, etc  that you may have for our next issue.

Please submit them to be no later than Sunday, January 30th to be included in the February issue of El Tempo.

Please send to "chronicler at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org", bring to the baronial business meeting on Sunday, or there is a snail mail/phone contact on the web page at http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/officers.php.   

I thank you kindly in advance for your participation and contributions.  

Julina de Beaumont
Chronicler, Ponte Alto
Kingdom of Atlantia
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