[Ponte Alto] Novice Tourney 2005

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 24 06:32:10 PST 2005

Greetings Ponte Alto,
I am forwarding this event information at the behest of the Seneschal's office and the Autocrat.  Hope to see you there. :)
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

Rachel/Rozsa <qchell at earthlink.net> wrote:
From: "Rachel/Rozsa" 
"Baronial Officers" 

Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 07:46:20 -0500
Subject: [Branchseneschals] Fw: [brnsacstone] Novice Tourney 2005

(I copied the first one directly from the website and the formatting went a 
little weird... sorry! :)


Novice Tourney
April 8-10 2005

My Lords and Ladies, once again The Barony of the Sacred Stone invites all 
Fighters of the Known World to participate in its Annual Novice Tournament. 
This year we have two additional tournaments for the more experienced 
fighters of the Known World. You need not be a NOVICE to fight at this 

Autocrat: Baron Achbar ibn Ali (James Morrow) 3019-C Violet Drive, 
Charlotte, NC 28205; achbar at bellsouth.net

Weekend $10 ages 5-17 $7.00
Day Trip $7 ages 5-17 $4.00
Ages 0-4 Guests of the Barony
$3.00 Non-member surcharge for adults

Site: Triplette Farm, 2239 Center Road, Booneville, NC 27011

The Site is Primitive, yet lovely. Novice Tournament is a WET Site. Please 
bring your best wines and brews and your Pavilions! Period and Modern 
tenting allowed.

MIC: Sir Marc d'Aubigny
dgreen7 at bellsouth.net

1) Novice Tournament
2) Funny Weapon Tournament: Any Weapon Form,
But No Shields! (Open Tournament)
3) Three Man Team Double Elimination (Open Tournament)

Rapier Marshal: Lord Galen Storm
stan_harmon at hotmail.com

1) Novice Tournament
2) Open Tournament - format to be determined

Lord Conal Mac an Druiadh
BDrury301 at aol.com

IKAC Royal Round (open tournament)

Arts and Science Competitions:
Best Field Heraldic Display
Best Display of Phoenix In any Medium,
Best Beer and Ale Contest
Best Novice Livery hosted by Asszony Bessenyei Rozsa
Best Three Man Livery Competitions hosted by Asszony 
Bessenyei Rozsa

Baroness Beatrice Von Staufen
baronessbeatrice at hotmail.com
Open Tournament

The Feast: We will NOT be providing a feast this year. Please feel free to 
bring your grills and your friends to show off your own culinary skills. 
Restaurants are near the hotels.

>From the south: Take your best route to I-77 North. Take exit 82 and 
turn right at the end of the exit ramp. *Proceed less than a mile and turn 
right onto Messick Rd. Proceed to the end of Messick Rd, and turn left on 
Center Road. Approx 8 miles later is a BP gas station on the left. 1.4 miles 
past the BP station, turn right at the first castle on the right on a gravel 
road. Signs will be posted.

>From Hwy 421: proceed to intersection with I-77 North, Exit 82, use 
directions from *

>From I-81: proceed to I-77 South to Exit 82, turn left at the exit 
ramp, use directions from

Please makes checks payable to: Barony of the Sacred 
Stone, SCA Inc.
Susanna von Schweissguth, OL, Susan Evans, 4493 Leepers St., 
Iron Station, NC 28080 needleznpinz at charter.net

Site opens at 5 pm Friday and closes at 1 pm Sunday.

If you have any special needs please contact the autocrat before the event 
in order to determine what accommodations can be made to assist you.

Space can be arranged to provide for mini-encampments should your 
group request it. You must pre-reserve if you would like space reserved.

Merchants: Please contact the autocrat

Hotel Information:
Rose Village Motel (336) 835-3609 407 N. Bridge St. Jonesville, NC 
Days Inn (336) 526-6777 1540 NC Hwy 67, Jonesville, NC 28642
Hampton Inn (336) 835-1994 1632 NC Hwy 67, Jonesville NC 28642

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Branchseneschals at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org

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