[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Fw: Medieval Demo at Waterford Elementary School (Loudoun) in April 2005

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 20 11:45:37 PST 2005

Forwarding at the request of Janin Wise.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

Janin Wise <janinwise at postmark.net> wrote:
From: "Janin Wise" 
To: ,
"General Mailing List for the Barony of Stierbach" 
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 20:57:58 -0500
Subject: [MR] Fw: Medieval Demo at Waterford Elementary School (Loudoun) in
April 2005

Hi all, wanted to get this cross posted so that we can get as many people involved as possible. If you're interested in attending/ doing a demo for either February or April or would just like to help out, feel free to email me at janinwise at postmark.net or tzigainevirage at yahoo.com. Feel free to cross post this to other SCA lists in the area if you think they might be interested!


Janin Wise

From: Dianahuber at aol.com 
To: janinwise at postmark.net 
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 10:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: Medieval Demo at Waterford Elementary School (Loudoun) in April 2005

Hi Janin!

Karen Larsdatter and James Ghent helped me plan for a last-minute Medieval Faire at our school in March 2004. The event was a great success--the kids loved it! However, we did not plan far enough in advance to do a full demo...So I'm trying to plan ahead this time! For 2005, we would love to have SCA folks do a demo at our school in April...This event would be an SCA demo only, without the distraction of games like we had at the Medieval Faire last year:

(1) DATE & TIME = Friday, April 22, 2005 from 2:30 to 4:00 or 4:30 is suggested.
NOTE: We are flexible on the date if that helps you in scheduling; however, we prefer an afternoon during the week (right after school lets out).

(2) SIZE = 120-150 students

This event is centered solely on SCA folks. We are hoping to get a dancing demo with some student participation and perhaps a fencing demo; however, I would need to get details on fencing to make sure that our principal will approve it. I know swords are not allowed.
NOTE: We are very flexible and most appreciative of any suggestions that you might offer and especially of any folks who would like to join us! We have 1-1/2 to 2 hours for the event. How long should we set aside for a dancing type of demo? Should we try to get some other hands-on demos and then rotate students through them?

(4) MEDIEVAL FAIR: Finally, we still plan to have a separate event just as we did last year--this time on Wed., Feb. 23. This event includes a feast and entertaining the children with various activities, such as in-costume photos, archery (rubber-tipped), leatherworking, and various games. We rotate students through the activities. Last year, we were pleased to have Ragnar the Ribcracker, Siubhan inghean Alasdair, Baron Colum Maxwell, and Katherine (don't know her full name, but she did calligraphy/illumination) join us. If anyone is interested in helping us with hands-on medieval crafts or an armor demo but does not have time in April, then we welcome them to join us in Feb!

(5) Please advise us on an appropriate contribution for helping us with a demo.

Would anyone like to help us with a demo in April? Just so you know, these events are planned as part of Waterford Elementary's reading incentive program. Children who meet their reading goals for 2 months in a row are invited to attend these events. So far this year and last, these incentives are helping about 3/4 of our school meet their reading goals!

Thanks for any help you can offer!
Diana Huber
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