[Ponte Alto] 12th Night Vivant

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 10 11:41:09 PST 2005


His Excellency and I wish everyone a happy New Year,
and we do hope that everyone had fun at 12th Night.  I
know we did!

The event has to be one of the most fantastic 12th
Nights that we have ever attended, and it was all due
to the hard work of our friends from Stierbach, and
many of the citizens of Ponte Alto.  Thanks to all who
contributed to the success of this event!

Also, vivant to the following gentles, who were
recognized at Court:

Iustinos Ancyrenos got recognized with a King's Award
of Excellence

Master Kevin of Thronbury was inducted into the Order
of the Kraken

Sir Thomas, Lord Connor, and Lord Jonah presented a
shield with the prince's device at feast for kingdom

Isabella Candeloro is now Lady Isabella Candeloro, as
she got her Award of Arms.

Master Tirloch of Tallaght was inducted into the Order
of the Laurel

Branwen Bach received an honorable mention for her
work in the A&S 

Lady Cassandra Arabella Giordani was inducted into the
Order of the Opal

Lord Geoffrey ap Clywd got inducted into the Order of
the Sea Dragon

And last but not least, Lady Hrosvitha von Celle, who
now resides in Lochmere but who is a Pontoon after our
own heart, was inducted into the Order of the Pearl

Vivant for all these gentles, who bring much honor to
this Barony!

Yours in Service,

Marcellus and Belphoebe

-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": http://www.houseffg.org
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