[Ponte Alto] more details for Performer's and Dance Symposium

Erika Park jedierika at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 9 06:48:53 PST 2005

Greetings, Atlantians.  I just wanted to spread the word about several of the highlights of this month's Performer's and Dance Symposium.  
Food, food, food
Feast Menu
Beef stewed in a wine sauce
Roast Chicken Endored
Herb Tarte
Carrot Pudding
Small cakes and sweets
Bread, butter

Lunch is vegan lentil stew, meat, cheese, bread, apples.
Please contact Lady Renata von Hentzau at starfox5ATmsn.com with any dietary concerns.

For the Fighters
How many times have you watched a fight, and not been sure who won when it was over?  How many times have you seen the fighters salute each other at the end of a fight, and wondered who struck the fatal blow?  Fighters and fencers pay heed!  At the upcoming Performers and Dance Symposium, I'm going to be teaching a class on Dying with Style!  There have been many tourneys in the past where there is a *best death* competition.  One of the reasons for this is to encourage fighters and fencers to fall down dramatically if/when you're killed!  Having done, and coached, gymnastics for several years, I'm very adept at falling down, and teaching people how to fall down safely.  Also in the class will be discussions on other methods of dying impressively (with props and such).  The foremost focus on dying in style is, of course, safety.  Don't do anything that will make the chiurgeon want to kill you (i.e. ketchup packs that burst when you get hit so it looks like your bleeding).  Fighting
 is a performance art, and if you don't win the fight, you can still win the crowd!  No fighting will be done during this class.
--Lord Odde ap Tam
Group Choral Rehersal
One of the afternoon activities is the group choral rehersal organized by Baroness Arianna Morgan.  You can download the music and listen to the parts here:  http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/symposiumchorus.php  The choral group will perform at the evening concert.
Macbeth Auditions
Baron Lorcan Dracontius, director of the Known World Players at Pennsic, is holding live auditions of this year's performance of Macbeth at the Symposium.  Read more about the play and auditions here:  http://dracontius.net/macbeth/
Children's Fun
There is a 2-hour Children's Theater class in the morning that will have an opportunity to perform at the end of the lunch break.  There will also be fun Children's Corner activities in the afternoon.  Kids can have a great time at this event, too!
Evening Activities
Following the scrumptious feast, there will be a concert of performances organized by Mistress Anne of Carthew.  If you're interested in performing, please email her at anneATravenstreet.org or sign up during the day at the event.  The Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto will be selecting their new Baronial Bard during the evening performances.  Those entering the Baronial Bard competition are encouraged to contact Mistress Anne in advance since the concert schedule is filling up fast.  After the concert, the festivities will move back into the hall for an hour of dancing, with live music, organized by Lady Katherine.
And Of Course, Classes!
There are two dance tracks and 4 performance tracks to choose from.  For the full event flyer and class schedule with descriptions, please click here:  http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/symposium.php
Arts and Sciences
The Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto will be selecting their new Baronial Artisan from those who bring out their best A&S pieces for display during the day.  There will also be prize for the overall competition winner.
Lady Allasan inghean Fhaolain

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