[Ponte Alto] Sterling area Activity Night is next Wednesday

Ryan Snead ryansnead at adelphia.net
Thu Dec 1 19:40:44 PST 2005

The next Sterling Activity Night will be December 7th, 2005 at the Eastern
Loudoun Regional Library from 7pm until 9pm in Room C. Bring your projects
and interests to share with others, come join friends for a good chat, or
just drop in to see what other SCAdians are up to in the Sterling area.


Wanna do an activity?

Email or call me with your ideas! Whether you're looking to organize or
looking to enjoy something at the Sterling Activity Night. My goal is to
help people get to do things! We have a few ideas already in the works, and
the library has more rooms that can be scheduled if this one doesn't meet
your needs.


SCA dances in Sterling

Right now, I plan to focus on English again dances in December and Italian
dances in January. If there are alternative suggestions, I am happy to flex
to meet people's interests.


Hope to see you there!


Iustinos Ancyrenos

ryansnead at adelphia.net



Directions to the Library
.       From the East:
Take Route 7 west, toward Leesburg. Exit onto Cascades Parkway North, (not
south to Sterling). Turn right at the Home Depot onto Cranston Street. The
library is 2 blocks ahead, directly in front of you. Parking is available at
either end of the building. The library's entrance is to the left front as
you face the building. (Please note if you are traveling from the Capital
Beltway, 495, take Exit 10 which is Route 7/Leesburg Pike).

.       From the West:
Follow Route 7 east, from Leesburg. After passing the Dulles Town Center
Mall, watch for signs for Cascades Parkway. Take the second right exit,
which is Cascades Parkway North (not South to Sterling). Turn right at the
Home Depot onto Cranston Street. The library is 2 blocks in front of you.
Parking is available at either end of the building. The library's entrance
is to the left front as you face the building.

.       From the South:
Take Route 28 North. Turn right on Route 7 East. After passing the Dulles
Town Center Mall, watch for signs for Cascades Parkway. Take the second
right exit, which is Cascades Parkway North (not South to Sterling). Turn
right at the Home Depot onto Cranston Street. The library is 2 blocks in
front of you. Parking is available at either end of the building. The
library's entrance is to the left front as you face the building.

.       From the North (Cascades/Lowes Island):
Take Potomac View to Palisades Parkway. Turn right onto Palisades Parkway.
Turn left Whitfield Place. The library is between the Church and the Senior
Center. Parking is available at either end of the building. The library's
entrance is to the left front as you face the building.

.       Once in the library, go down the meeting room hallway (to the right
of the main entrance doors) to the end. Room C is at the end of the hallway.
This activity is sponsored by the Barony of Stierbach. You are welcome to
cross-post this message to other listservs where the subject will be


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