[Ponte Alto] Yellow jackets - Warning

T. L. Fussell ladykatherina at verizon.net
Wed Aug 10 13:40:48 PDT 2005

Are citronella candles alright?  Olaf is allergic to yellowjackets so I was
planning on burning some citronella candles to help keep our area clear.

Also Olaf said he would see what he could do about the sump when we get up
there on Sunday.  No promises, but he said he'd try to juryrig something if
it's still an issue.

Katharina and Olaf

-----Original Message-----
From: ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Barbara Reed
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 1:45 PM
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Yellow jackets - Warning

Big Warning with using incense: 

Bear in mind that if there is ANYONE with asthma is in
the Ponte Alto camp (such as Baroness Belphoebe),
incense will often trigger an asthma attack.  I speak
from unfortunate experience (I, too, am asthmatic & I
am extremely allergic to incense).  

I had to ask a merchant at St. Patty's Day Blodbath
two years ago to put out an incense burner near the
list field because both Her Excellency & I were
starting to wheeze and our lungs were closing up (and
this was OUTSIDE with a slight breeze.  Worse if the
air is still or one is inside).  Asthma attacks are
not pleasant, especially at Pennsic.

(I don't want to have to drag Her Excellency to the
hospital while at the War)

--- Saethryth Farsight <saethryth_farsight at yahoo.com>

> At the RenFaire, the venders use incense sticks to
> keep the yellow jackets away from the food.  It
> seems
> to work.

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