[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Tidings

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 23 09:16:20 PDT 2005

Greetings to all,

Pennsic was a wonderful experience and His Excellency
and I were thrilled to see so many new faces in the
Baronial encampment.  We certainly hope that a good
time was had by all.

We would also like to mention all the Pontoons that
were recognized at Court:

Lady Siobhan:  Award of Arms
Gwynevere:  A token from her Majesty for her feats on
the field
Master Kevin:  Shark's Tooth
Lord Geoffrey ap Clwyd:  Ponte d'Oro
Lord Jonah Coughlin:  Ponte d'Argento
Lady Branwen Bach:  Ponte d'Argento
Drusus:  Ponte di Ferro

Also, the following gentles were recognized with a
bead of Ponte Alto:

Lady Perronelle, Nicholas Wizorek, Lady Arnfridr,
Shenafin, and Lady Cassandra.

On a separate note, Lord Pagan Grendel and Lord
Ragnarr Ribcracker also got shark's teeth.  They are
not Pontoons but they do practice with Ponte Alto.

Vivant for all these gentles!  They make this barony


-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
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