[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Branchseneschals] Fwd: Great Western War IX

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 1 06:40:27 PDT 2005

Greetings Pontoon's,
Here is information on the Great Western War held in Caid. Discard if uninterested.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand

Ann Shelton/Anne le Coeur <seneschal at atlantia.sca.org> wrote:
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 07:08:49 -0400
To: branchseneschals at atlantia.sca.org
From: Ann Shelton/Anne le Coeur <seneschal at atlantia.sca.org>
Subject: [Branchseneschals] Fwd: Great Western War IX

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>Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 19:19:29 -0400
>From: wolfenwayfarer at aol.com
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>Subject: Great Western War IX
>To: seneschal at drachenwald.sca.org, seneschal at eastkingdom.org,
> seneschal at atlantia.sca.org, Seneschal at Calontir.sca.org,
> seneschal at outlands.org, seneschal at sca.org.au,
> seneschal at ealdormere.sca.org, seneschal at antir.sca.org,
> seneschal at atenveldt.com, Seneschal at aethelmearc.org,
> seneschal at ansteorra.org, seneschal at trimaris.org,
> seneschal at westkingdom.org, publisher at scatoday.net
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>Hail and greetings,
>Below you will find the latest release of announcements regarding Great 
>Western War IX. If you could please take a moment to re-post the items 
>below to your local lists, we would be most appreciative.
>Thank you,
>Mattheus Faelen Reyner
>Great Western Publicity
>Great Western War IX
>Oct 5-11 2005
>Online Registration
>The War can now accept registration and payment (with credit card) online!
>For more information visit: www.greatwesternwar.org
> From Arts and Science:
>Done fighting for the day? You've shopped 'til you dropped already? 
>Thinking about what to do your time at Great Western War IX? Come by the 
>Arts and Sciences Encampment! This year with 60+ class sessions, the A&S 
>Encampment is sure to have a class for you! Whether it be a quest for 
>knowledge or to learn a new craft, come on by and allow our instructors to 
>teach you something you didn't know or discover a talent you didn't know 
>you had! For more information visit: www.greatwesernwar.org/aands.html
>Peoples Prize Competition: www.greatwesternwar.org/pp.html
>The Performance Pavilion
>The Performance Pavilion is once again available for events, demos or 
>contests that you wouldlike to host!! The Pavilion is a perfect location 
>for attracting drop by attendees, or last minute particpants to your 
>event! Centrally located in Merchants Row, near food vendors, restrooms, 
>and the battlefield, everyone will be sure to notice any class or meeting. 
>Picnic style tables/benchs are already positioned in the pavilion, only 
>needing your special touch to make it the perfect setting for your plan! 
>Scheduling is an ever present part of the war effort, so if you are 
>interested in utilizing the unique qualities of the Performance Pavilion, 
>please contact me via email with a schedule date and time, an outline of 
>what you have planned, and any requirements you will need to make your 
>event a reality!! For more information visit: 
> From Volunteers
>Can your group beat Gyldenholt and claim the Volunteer Banner?
>Volunteers are always needed, with out your help the war would not happen! 
>An hour or two (or more!) of your time will greatly enhance the war 
>experience for all. Whether it is water bearing on the fields of battle, 
>tending gate or one of many things needed at war, your support not only 
>makes a big difference but can be rewarding to both you and your local 
>group! Please contact volunteers at greatwesternwar.org
>To volunteer, or for more information about volunteering, contact 
>volunteers at greatwesternwar.org, For more information visit: 
> From Youth
>Greetings one and all!
>Teachers! The Youth Pavilion needs teachers!
>If you've taught a GWW class before and would like to do so again, please 
>contact me now with your schedule preferences. For more information visit: 
> From Waterbearers.
>Unto all of the Honorable Baronies, Shires, Cantons, Colleges, War Bands, 
>Households, Guilds, and populace of Caid and the Known World does Marciano 
>Dragonette, Waterbearing Steward for GWW IX brings you news of a challenge 
>of Epic Proportions!
>Last GWW Caid showed the Known World their mettle, their honor and their 
>generosity and boy oh boy did the Known World take notice! The Brotherhood 
>of the Black Sword, myself, and the staff of GWW VIII were floored by the 
>overwhelming commitment Caid and her most Honored guests showed towards 
>all of our fighters on the field. Because of this amazing display of 
>generosity o your part- both in goods and in service- we only had one heat 
>related injury reported on the field of battle in total over the duration 
>of fighting!
>Upon hearing this news the Brotherhood of the Black Sword rejoiced loudly 
>and celebrated the honor and chivalry displayed for our fighters. When the 
>last cup had reached the table and the last swig of 
>pilfered...errr...procured ale had been swallowed, a lone voice from the 
>masses was heard above the rest....
>"Oh sure" it said, with only the confidence Ale can bring, "anybody can do 
>it ONCE!" And therefore......
>The Brotherhood of the Black Sword, Darach's Ferocious and Scary war band 
>has thrown the gauntlet once again at the feet of you, Caid!
>Caid, your honor is at stake again! The field has been set again! I'm 
>repeating myself again! Will you walk away from the challenge and be 
>labeled as all are who slink away OR will you accept this mighty 
>challenge? Will you defend your honor and your reputation? Will you show 
>the Known World exactly what Caid is made- and that's mighty chivalric 
>stuff, indeed!
>The Brotherhood of the Black Sword has pledged the following:
>25 Gallons of Pickles
>25 lbs of Oranges
>1 waterbearer for every five of their Great and Glorious Fighters who take 
>the field for the duration of their presence!
>Their Challenge to you is to surpass them yet again! Prove that you're not 
>just a fly by night who just wanted your name on a website! Do you have 
>the stick enough to do it?
>These great and glorious gentles have that, in fact, THEY DO have stick 
>enough to pick up the gauntlet!
>The Mighty Odin's Eye has promised 1 GALLON OF BLEACH AND 2O LBS OF ORANGES!
>Lovely Bethany from the Most Fierce and Brave Kingdom Of Atenveldt has 
>Amazing and angelic Kira Baranova, former Kingdom Waterbearer for An Tir 
>and all around swell Ladyship of the Realm has promised 10 -1 LBS BAGS OF 
>The Mesmerizing Mireczka z Gosprzydowy has donated HERSELF AS A WATERBEARER!
>Will you join them? Will you rise to this challenge? Will you show your 
>stick to CAID and the Known World?
>What we need to insure that fighters don't drop like flies- from the heat, 
>that is- is located here:
>Are you strong enough, honorable enough, or desperate enough for 
>recognition? Good! The warriors of GWW need you!
>To donate, you can email me at E-mail me
>Please make a special not of the last item I need donated. I need one- 
>badly, really badly, and I mean REALLY REALLY BADLEY!!!!
>Your most humble, and ever confident, WB Steward for GWW IX,

Dame Anne le Coeur, OP
Seneschal, Atlantia
Ann Shelton
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org


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