[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Peasant's Revolt

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 06:17:56 PDT 2005

Forwarded at autocrats request. Read if you plan to attend Peasant's Revolt.
Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
Seneschal, Ponte Alto

Rebecca Navarro <elsbethofdrachenfels at yahoo.com> wrote:
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 09:21:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rebecca Navarro <elsbethofdrachenfels at yahoo.com>
To: atlantia at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [MR] Peasant's Revolt

From: Sayyida Sahar 
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:59:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Cathanar] Peasant's Revolt (Please forward)

Please note two corrections to the flier:

We will be unable to hold Archery. 

The site fee for Children ages 6 to 17 is $4.00.

Please forward this flier to any parties you feel

Thank you,

Sahar al-Nur

Name of Event: Peasants' Revolt
Date(s) of Event: May 20-22,2005
Hosting Group: Shire of Cathanar

Description: In 1381, the peasants of England
revolted against their Regent, John of Gaunt, over the
issue of excessive taxation. The Revolt was crushed by
deceit and broken promises on the part of the young
King Richard II. On the third weekend of May, you will
have the chance to rewrite history when the Shire of
Cathanar holds its own version of a Peasant's Revolt.
Last year, as happened historically, the Nobles won.
Will they be able to do it again this year, or will
the Peasants prevail for a change?

Upon registration, each person will be assigned by
chance as a Peasant or Noble. By participating in a
myriad of activities, both martial and otherwise, you
may gain individual points, which will be credited
toward your side. At the end of the day, the faction
with the most points will be declared the victor.
Class-appropriate jests, raillery, and bawdy insults
are expected to be delivered on both sides. 

Planned activities that will earn points: Heavy
fighting, rapier fighting,thrown weapons, A&S display
and competition, music or other performance arts,
service-related activities such as water-bearing,
preparing Feast, and serving in various official
capacities. Due to lack of Marshal, Archery will not
(This list is not inclusive. Other things may be added
to it, at the discretion of the Lord High

Martial Activities: Heavy and Rapier fighters. Thrown

Arts & Sciences Activities: An arts and sciences
competition will held.

Member:$8.00 Site Fee|$8.00 Feast| $4.00 Camping
Non-Member:$11.00 Site Fee|$8.00 Feast|$4.00 Camping

Child (6-17):$4.00 Site Fee|$8.00 Feast|$4.00 Camping
Child (0-5):$0.00 Site Fee|$0.00 Feast|$0.00 Camping

Cost Notes: 

Site: Neuseway Nature Center and Park, outside
Kinston, North Carolina.
A lovely and spacious location along the Neuse River,
with camping available. (Toilets and cold water, but
no showers.) Indoor Nature Center and Feast Hall, plus
large outdoor picnic shelter with grills. Other
activities at the Nature Center include rock climbing
(for a fee) and fishing in 3 stocked ponds. ***Note***
Fishing in the Centers ponds does not require a NC
fishing or gaming liscense, if you enjoy fishing and
bring your gear, have at it!***
RV's: space for a very limited number at $10 per
night. Reserve early if you want to bring an RV.

Pets are welcome, but, please keep them leashed.

Site Restrictions: PLEASE NOTE: By law, alcohol is
not permitted on this site. This rule will be strictly

Feast Information: Feast: We are limited to 60 people
on-board, so get your reservations in early. There is
a large sized pavilion with ample outdoor seating for
those who wish to prepare their own feast. If demand
is great enough, we will plan for a separate outdoor
meal to be available also. Checks should be made out
to The Shire of Cathanar, SCA, Inc.

Lunch will be available for an additional fee for
those that wish to purchase it the day of the event.
It will be provided by our gracious friends of The
Ship Lejeune. Please note with your reservations if
you wish to partake of the lunch, that way, the folks
of The Ship will know how much loot to appropriate for
our guests. 
A meal: 2 bbq meat sticks, corn, fruit and drink $4.00
individual/additional items are $1 ea

Lanced Cow
Speared Pig
Skewered Fowl
Roasted Ears(corn)

Merchanting Information: Merchants are welcome at no
additional fee. Please contact the Autocrat. 

Other Information: 

Autocrats Information: Lady Sahar al-Nur(Dorrane
Bernard), 1475 B Street New Bern NC, 28560. Phone
Number(252)637-9659, E-mail: dorrane.bernard at c...
or saharbintdurr at y...

Resevations: Lady Elsbeth Magdalena
Drachenfels(Rebecca Navarro), 132 Bayberry Rd, Newport
NC, 28570 Phone Number(252)223-3152, E-mail: 
elsbethofdrachenfels at y...

Directions: Make your best way to Kinston, North
Carolina via US70. The Neuseway Nature Center is off
Hwy 11/55 beside the King Street Bridge at 401 W.
Caswell Street Kinston, NC 28501 Signs will be posted
from 70 to the site. 

Sayyida Sahar al-Nur, OW
(Dorrane Bernard)
MOAS- Cathanar
Kingdom of Atlantia

Drumsound rises on the air,
its throb, my heart.
A voice inside the beat says,
"I know you're tired,
but come. This is the way."--Rumi

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