[Ponte Alto] Reminder: All Things 15th Century Veil Workshop is TONIGHT in Reston, VA

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 10:59:09 PDT 2005

Just a reminder that the April 20th "All Things 15th
Century" night is focused on ladies hair styles and
veils.  The instructor is Lady Elspet Byndelase from
Lochmere, and she will focus on using hair to build a
basic foundation and then building out from there. It
is recommended that you bring some of your own veils
and hair supplies for practice.

Class starts at 7:00
E-mail for directions to our house in Reston, VA.


Lady Courtney de Houghton

Lady Courtney de Houghton 
Acting Atlantian Clerk of Law
Chronicler, Barony of Ponte Alto
Assistant Webminister, Barony of Ponte Alto 
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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