[Ponte Alto] Re: On safety after dark

Nicole Spaun icychaos at msn.com
Fri Sep 3 18:20:25 PDT 2004

Seems I missed most of the original thread (ie the original message as 
quoted by Kevin Maxson) but...

>I often wish that we could require a courtesy class every two years
>to maintain one's membership.  But therein, my friends, is a
>  larger topic entirely.
And that topic treads on the other topic that's huge, the fact that a large 
percentage of the people at Pennsic are _not_ SCA.  And I'm not talking paid 
memberships (I, myself, haven't paid since 1998 though I've been SCA since 
1992), I'm talking about what folks consider themselves to be and are 
playing- and many at Pennsic are almost boastful that they're not SCA and 
not playing by SCA rules.  *sigh*

I'm having visions of folks entering Pennsic and having a 20 minute reading 
of the site manual, ala the spiel on airplanes about "These are your exits.  
This is how you use a seatbelt".  You know, the common sense stuff that 
(sadly) people need to be reminded of....  The Pennsic version: "Do not 
assault people; except on the battlefield; and then only when properly 
engaged.  This is how you start a fire- note the lack of gasoline......."  
*sigh again*


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