[Ponte Alto] Chronicler job

kimjordan at adelphia.net kimjordan at adelphia.net
Fri Oct 15 10:11:33 PDT 2004

Yes, please, someone save me from having to edit all of Marie-Therese's typos before posting on the web!!  ;)

Those potentially interested in the position of Baronial Chronicler should visit the appopriate section in the Altantian Book of Policy (http://law.atlantia.sca.org/Policy.html#6.11) for a description of responsibilities and duties.  

There are duties listed involving handling financial accounts, most of which don't apply, as Ponte Alto does not charge a subscription fee for the Il Tempo.  It is distributed online in HTML or as a downloadable PDF.  There are only some copying and mailing costs, so the financial stuff isn't complicated; don't let it scare you away.

Also, as Web Minister, I am primarily keeping the calendar/activities and regnum (officers list) up to date, so a new Chronicler can just get the latest info from the web site at monthly publication time.  Which means a new Chronicler can focus more on the varying content than the monthly usuals, since I'm handling a lot of those.

So contact Marie-Therese if you're interested, now that you're more informed!

Baronial Web Minister

> From: Mary Bowles <mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com>
> Date: 2004/10/15 Fri PM 12:00:35 EDT
> To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
> Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Chronicler job
> Greetings to the Barony at Large (and small) ;),
> The job of Chroincler is now open.  Unless Mistress Ann would like it back again. :) But that is doubtless since she was solisiting for this office three months ago.  Keeping that in mind, if you are interested in taking notes at Barony meetings, and publishing and online and hard copy (5 prints) of your local groups newsletter please E- your Seneschal at mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com ASAP.  I do not want to have to be Chronicler too.  So please put me out of my misery and apply now. You don't want to see me beg. It could get ugly. :)
> YIS,
> Lady Maria-Therese de Normand
> Seneschal, Ponte Alto

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