[Ponte Alto] Day at the Races Schedule

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 08:53:53 PST 2004


For those inquiring minds, here is the schedule for A
Day at the Races.  (Horse races refer to hobby horses,
just in case you were wondering.)

For more information on this event, visit our website
at http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/races.php


Baronne Belphoebe de Givet
Fearless Autocrat


10:00 	Troll opens

10:30	A&S competition and display setup
	Silent auction setup

11:00	Palio activities begin: Parade, flag tossing,
and horse racing. 
	Heraldry competition begins

12:00	Lunch served (sideboard style)

1:30	Dancing begins 
	Chess tournament begins
Italian dessert competition judging begins
A&S judging begins

2:30	Bardic competition begins

4:45	Silent auction ends

5:00	Court

6:00 	Feast


-- It is a terrible insult to anyone to kill them when you are badly dressed.
(From the Rules of Ettiquette of the Ankh Morpork Guild of Assasins)
House Fallen From Grace, "Corrupting the Innocent since 1569": http://www.houseffg.org
Atlantian Siege Guild http://siege.atlantia.sca.org

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