[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Open Camp Night at Sapphire

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Thu May 6 09:17:55 PDT 2004

Greetings All!


Well, His Excellency and I are back from Paris and I am happy to say that we had a wonderful time.  Now we are getting over the jet lag and open for business again :-)


As many of you probably know, we are organizing a Baronial Open Night at Sapphire Joust, which would take place on Saturday, May 29.  His Excellency and I will be providing the wine.  The rest of the goodies would be on a potluck basis.  


If anyone would like to contribute to this project, please contact me privately.

We will need non-alcoholic beverages (sodas), ice and coolers (His Excellency and I have a couple of coolers buy we will probably need a couple more), paper goods, and whatever dishes or munchies you would like to contribute.


We will be very grateful for any help we can get this project going.  We are hoping that much fun will be had by all :-)


Yours in Service,




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