[Ponte Alto] Need Ride to practice in April and May

Daniel.Bensing at usdoj.gov Daniel.Bensing at usdoj.gov
Fri Mar 19 08:57:40 PST 2004

My son and I are new to SCA but have been going to most of the Thursday night practices, albeit not for the full 3 hours.  Do you live in Vienna?

-----Original Message-----
From: ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of
mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:32 AM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Need Ride to practice in April and May
Importance: Low

Hi All,
Maria-Therese, here.  I'm sending out a general call for help.  As of March 31st, midnight my license to drive is being suspended for two months (60 days).  It's a whole saga of misinformation that I wont go into right now.  However, I would still like to make practices, so I am asking anyone interested in hauling me and my gear to and from thursday or sunday practices to contact me at mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com.
Thanks in advance,
Yours Truly,
Lady Maria-Theresa de Normande
P.S. Events are covered since my roommate, Marceli Johnson of Lockwoode Moss is also a SCAdian. Got to love it.  :)

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