[Ponte Alto] Bloodbath - Water Needed

Mazzone, Tracy (Mitchell) Tracy.Mazzone at DigitalNet.com
Fri Mar 19 08:25:03 PST 2004

Greetings Lady Courtney,
	Thank you so very much for you kind words.  As always, I am
happy to aid our fighters and populace where I can.  Thank you, too, for
offering to bring the much-beloved pickles to the event...it is greatly
appreciated.  The type preferred are always dill pickles (as many people
don't like the sweet gherkins and they don't give as much salt) and, if
possible, the small, whole ones are the best as they're easiest for the
fighters to eat on the run (they look like the sweet ones but aren't).
However, whatever you are able to supply will be most appreciated!
	Thank you very much and I look forward to seeing all of you

(Who is no good at such eloquent speech as you have displayed.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Lady Courtney de Hoghton [mailto:caerdubh at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 8:35 AM
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Bloodbath - Water Needed

Lady Cicilia of the Waterbearing Goodness,

My lord Connor is preparing to venture forth soon and slay the water
beast.  He also hoped to harvest the appropriate pickles, pray can you
confirm which variety he should seeketh?

Many effusive and eternal thanks for all of your goodness and kindness
with keeping our fighters where they belong, fighting on the field, not
lying groaning in the tender mercies of our stalwart chirurgeopns.

Lady Courtney de Hoghton

--- "Mazzone, Tracy (Mitchell)"
<Tracy.Mazzone at DigitalNet.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> 	Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to send out a reminder that I am

> going to need donations of water for Bloodbath this weekend, since 
> there's no potable water on-site.  So any water that anyone is able to

> donate will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
> Yours In Service,
> Lady Cicilia Tironi
> Barony of Lochmere
> Kingdom Waterbearer
> Deputy Chatelaine
> "Purpure, a schnecke issuant from dexter chief argent, in sinister 
> chief an estoile Or"
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> Ponte-Alto at atlantia.sca.org

Courtney de Hoghton

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