[Ponte Alto] Flower Viewing Invite (4/17: RSVP)

Ii Saburou logan at ModZer0.gi.alaska.edu
Mon Mar 22 18:10:42 PST 2004


Greetings to all of our friends in the Baronies of Stierbach, Ponte-Alto,
and whereever this may reach.  We would like to invite people to come to a
flower viewing party at our residence on the 17th day of the 4th month of
the current year, to celebrate spring and new life.

April's Asian Night will be cancelled this month, in lieu of a Saturday 
gathering to enjoy the coming of spring.  We plan to invite people over to 
our house (directions below) to sit and recite poems, play games, and eat 
some traditional Japanese fare.  If the weather cooperates, we may adjourn 
to the fishing pavillion and have a picnic under the trees.

We humbly request an attempt at Japanese clothing (note: does not need to 
be 'Period', although the period-theme for the day is Heian Japan, ca. 
1100 AD), although Chinese and similar garments are always acceptable.  We 
have clothing available for those who are lacking, or can point out sites 
for basic kosode and hakama.

Due to the size of our house, we must limit the number of people we have 
over for dinner to no more than 20 people, so please RSVP if you plan to 
come.  When you RSVP we will send parking information as well.

We reside at 6899 Ridge Water Ct, Centreville, VA.  Phone number is 
703-815-0310.  Please call for either Ii or Aine.  Alternatively you may 
write to logan at modzer0.cs.uaf.edu.

We look forward to anyone who may come.  We plan to get started at 10 AM, 
and serve dinner around sun down.  Activities may include go, poetry, and 
ikebana.  Alcohol in the form of sake and plum wine will be made 
available, and guests are welcome to stay the night if they need to.

Once again, please RSVP if you would like to attend.

-Ii and Aine

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