[Ponte Alto] Stierbach Baronial Birthday Report

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 22 08:11:22 PDT 2004

PS to the Baronial Birthday Report. Ponte Alto Authorized three new fighters Johnathan, Drusus, and Isabella. Vivat, Vivat Vivat.  Congradulations All.
Lady Maria-Theresa De Normande

Robert Capozello <afpopa at cox.net> wrote: 
Greetings unto the populace of Ponte Alto from Baron Marcellus.

A great number of Ponte Alto folk attended the Birthday celebration of
our neighbor Barony of Stierbach on Saturday. It was wonderful to see
such support for our cousins Colum and Brianna.

Several members of Ponte Alto were recognized for their martial
exploits. Our Baronial Archery Champion, Arnfridr, won the Marksman
division of the archery competition. In addition, our intrepid Senechal
Miles de Locwode won his division on the thrown weapons range.

Her Excellency Baroness Belphoebe and I spent the day running the Siege
Engine Competition and Petting Zoo. The Barony can now boast three
authorized traction trebuchets, as Catalina dell' Acqua has added "The
Roaming Gnome" to the Baronial arsenal. She is also now authorized as a
Siege Engineer, bringing the total of Engineers in the Barony up to

Her Excellency and I will next be attending King's Assessments in the
Barony of Black Diamond. We hope to see many of you there.

Yours in Service,

Baron Marcellus

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