[Ponte Alto] Sunday Practice and Potluck Picnic

Robert Capozello afpopa at cox.net
Tue Jul 13 13:20:47 PDT 2004

Greetings everyone!

The summer months are here, and Pennsic looms large in all of our
thoughts.  For those of you who are trying to get in those last
authorizations before the end of the month, here is your (next to) last

On Sunday the 25th of July, Ponte Alto will be hosting a Practice and
Potluck Picnic in the Park.  The site will be our usual Sunday afternoon
practice site, behind Tysons Pimmet Library.  You can find directions


We will be providing authorizations for both heavy and rapier.  There is
also plenty of space for any melee practice you might wish to engage in,
to hone your skills before the War.

This will also be a Potluck Picnic, as has been done in the past.  We
will provide some shade and table space, as well as plenty of water and
some munchies.  Please feel free to bring whatever you wish to

This would also be a great time to bring out your A&S projects and show
off your skills to those assembled.  Bards of all types are also most

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Yours in Service,

Baron Marcellus and Baronne Belphoebe

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