[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto website updates

Lady Courtney de Hoghton caerdubh at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 09:48:27 PST 2004

Greetings to the gentles of Ponte Alto,

Now that my confinement has ended after the birth of
my son, I am returning full force to my web minister

I am happy to announce that the Officers page has been
updated with the new Baron and Baroness, and the new
Baronial Champions.  I entreat everyone to review the
page and let me know if any changes escaped my
notices, and if so, please let me know.

We also have some rudimentary info about Bloodbath
available on the site.

Lastly, I am happy to announce that the long awaited
pages detailing the recipients of the new Baronial
awards have been launched:

Ponte d'argento (Award of the Silver Bridge)

Ponte d'oro (Award of the Golden Bridge)

Ponte di ferro (Award of the Iron Bridge)

Unhappily, I have not had a chance to update the Order
of Precedence or the Roll of Arms yet, but those are
on my list. Also, I am not yet in possession of the
court report from Thomas and Denise's last court, and
have not yet made all of those updates.

Please send all corrections and updates directly to me
at caerdubh at yahoo.com.

Many thanks!

Lady Courtney de Houghton
Ponte Alto Webminister

Courtney de Hoghton

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