[Ponte Alto] FW: Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday & Investiture

Miles de Locwode milesdelocwode at cox.net
Wed Feb 11 18:36:58 PST 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: George Condon [mailto:gwcjr at bellsouth.net]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 2:34 PM
To: fierceladyn at yahoo.com; brunosharpy at yahoo.com; rowena at mindspring.com;
seneschal at highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org; quentin at knights-errant.com;
hggerald at aol.com; niedzwiedz2 at juno.com; teufelskerl001 at aol.com;
cbdmnav at havelocknc.net; MysticSableWolf at hotmail.com;
welshwmn3 at earthlink.net; duncan07 at earthlink.net; qchell at verizon.net;
gryphon at carolina.rr.com; jrparker at usadomains.net;
ladylouise at carolina.rr.com; dcauld at yahoo.com;
adeliza_of_bristol at hotmail.com; apollonia at bellsouth.net;
Rob at knights-errant.net; steafan at nc.rr.com; guttlebup at yahoo.com;
Immartin at dot.state.nc.us; ladyadriana77 at yahoo.com; brynpobydd at netscape.net;
gastongavaston at hotmail.com; Lora Franks; ldangussca at sc.rr.com; George
Condon; Barjavel at earthlink.net; wimmiam.morris at schc.sc.edu;
seneschal at falconcree.org; dvonhessen at hotmail.com; hielander_45 at msn.com;
heronoffroglea at juno.com; annebalfour at aol.com; dionello at mrc.tzo.com;
palmoret at juno.com; kwrepair at hovac.com; clelia at aol.com; nix at iolinc.net;
grifter2 at mindspring.com; timandgenii at juno.com;
seneschal at marinus.atlantia.sca.org; milesdelocwode at cox.net;
seneschal at stierbach.org; hartsquire at netscape.net;
cunningham2 at mindspring.com; rebecca at simmons.net
Subject: Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday & Investiture

Good Seneschals,

Please share this missive with your populace as there was insufficient time
and space to include it in the February Acorn.  The dates listed in the
February Acorn are also incorrect due to the necessary adjustments to
conduct Investiture at this event.  You have permission to share this via
any electronic medium your group utilizes. On behalf of the Autocrat and
Staff, we greatly thank you for your assistance and support!

Lord Andreas de Caunteton - Troll
I have attached a clean copy of the flyer in Word format.

April 23rd-25th- Hidden Mountain XX

Barony of Hidden Mountain, Bennettsville, SC

Twenty years ago a generous King granted our petition to become a Barony:

Setting our good gentles on the road to what could be...

           Our journey has not been without risk. Often fraught with perils,
our path has also led us to behold great and wondrous things and to
experience the warm camaraderie of our fellow travelers. A milestone in our
journey approaches. It has taken twenty years to arrive. At this point we
ask that you join us as we take pause and reflect upon all that has and
shall transpire. We shall honor our past, stand in the midst of our present
and look with great hope to our future as we invest our new Coronets.

It shall be a most joyous revelry, all the more dear with our friends about

The milestone is between Bennettsville and Cheraw at Camp Sandy Ridge. It is
a lovely site offering us respite in a pine forest with cabins, a lovely
hall, easily accessible by all. Tenting is available, ground fires in
designated areas only. This is a dry site. Site opens at 5pm on Friday and
closes at 10am on Sunday.

           A fine repast redolent of our journey and times will be served*,
presented by our own THL Rowen the Shiftless (Christina Waring), (843)
871-6832 or rowencat at yahoo.com) *Please contact her with any dietary

           There shall be Tourneys for all comers, brave and true with
Scenarios sure to please. Archery, heavy fighting, thrown weapons, static
and bardic arts and sciences are your choices. The theme for A&S is items
for a journey (any medium). Of course open display is always encouraged. Our
Champions* shall be chosen this day as well, to protect and defend us on our

*See requirements for Baronial Champion in the Mountain Mayhem.

           Equestrian activities will be held as well. Please contact
Gwenhwyfar de Hwyytinton, 513 South B St., Easley, SC 29640 or
carol_carson at msu.com

           Reservations - Please post your reservation* to Lord Andreas de
Caunteton (George Condon),7927 St. Ives Rd.-Apt# 416, North Charleston, SC
29406-9306, (843)553-9458 (NTL 9pm, please) or scadiandreas at bellsouth.net

*Make checks payable to the Barony of Hidden Mountain/SCA Inc.

Costs          Adult     Under 18         After 4/9 -   Adult     Under 18

Daytrip:       $6.00     $4.00                          $8.00     $6.00

Cabin:         $10.00    $5.00                          $11.00    $7.00

Tent:          $6.00     $3.00                          $8.00     $5.00

Feast:         $7.00     $7.00                          $9.00     $9.00

Adult non-members, please add $3.00 surcharge.  Children under 4 are our

Autocrat-Sithmaith NicAoidh (Victoria Lovelace), 120 Stephanie Circle,
Summerville, SC 29783,

(843)871-0085 or sithmaith at hotmail.com

Directions-The site is just off Hwy 9, midway between Cheraw and
Bennettsville, SC. Please consult a map.

>From the SOUTH - Take I-95 north to exit 164 (Hwy 52), north. Five miles
past the exit, Hwy 52 bears left to bypass Darlington. Stay on Hwy 52 to
Society Hill (Do NOT take Hwy 52 toward Cheraw State Park). Approx. 7-8
miles north of town, turn left on Hwy 912 (store on corner called "Bambi's")
Stay on Hwy

912 all the way to Hwy 9 (est. 9 miles) Turn left on Hwy 9, then an
immediate **right on Ebenezer Rd.(by the water tower). Bear left at the fork
in the road, the site will be on the right, 3 miles from Hwy 9.

>From the NORTH - Take I-95 to SC exit 193 (Hwy 9), Stay on this through
Bennettsville. (Highway 9 will turn left, then right, then left again in
town, please follow the signs carefully) Then follow from** above.

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