[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Indoor Practice Starting Date

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 31 10:25:13 PDT 2004

Hi Geoffrey,
This is only the rapier practice.  The heavy practice is coordinated by Lord Duncan the Elder and they usually practice at Lemontree Elementary.  I imagine that Duncan will be announcing the return of the indoor heavy practice in the near future ;-)


Scott Cozad <trancecognental at yahoo.com> wrote:

--- Belphoebe wrote:

> Hi Corun,
> Well, I also thought that our first day was the 9th,
> but I emailed the school to confirm. They told me
> that they have us starting this 2nd of Sept., and
> that they prefer that we use the gym for the time
> being -- which is better for us than the cafeteria.
> So rapier fighters, be there and be square!

Will there also be heavy fighting there or is this
strictly a rapier thing?


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