[Ponte Alto] WRONG e-mail addy for Chalice Reservations!

Lady Cassandra Arabella Giordani cassandra at jordanclan.net
Wed Aug 25 06:55:56 PDT 2004


The only email address on the Kingdom Calendar flyer for Chalice that has
not been updated is our rapier marshal's email address; it is corrected on
the flyer on the Baronial web site (this was done on Monday).

However, if you copy and paste email addresses from the Baronial web site,
be aware that you will need to replace " AT " with "@" to make them work.
Not making them active links (and obvious email addresses) on our web site
prevents those email addresses from being harvested for spam.  So, it
requires a little more work on the part of the user, but it makes folks
much more willing to post their email addresses on the web site if they
feel it won't easily become spam-fodder.

Sorry for any confusion!  Let me know if you have any other questions about
the web site.

Your friendly neighborhood web minister,


At 11:31 PM 8/24/2004 -0700, you wrote: 

I copied/pasted the address, so I know I got it right, but it bounced!  I
guess I must send everything via snail mail; just wanted to give a heads
up.  I was waiting until after Pennsic so I could get responses to
questions, but oh well.


Alestra d'Angouleme (Sharon)
Ponte-Alto mailing list 
Ponte-Alto at atlantia.sca.org 


Lady Cassandra Arabella Giordani
Baronial Bard, Web Minister
Barony of Ponte Alto
Kingdom of Atlantia

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