[Ponte Alto] Newcomer meeting tomorrow

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 20 09:12:18 PDT 2004

Hey Luce,
Extend my hartiest salutations to eveyone.  I may or may not be able to make it tonight.  The 'no car thing' is really eating into my socializing.  I'll see what Terelynn's schedule is like, but she's almost 1/2 way to your place and I don't think will want to come and pick me up.
Well at least it's only another 6 weeks. :(
Lady Maria-Therese de Normande

egeorges <egeorges at cox.net> wrote:
Greetings Most Hospitable Pontoons!

Just a reminder that the next newcomer meeting is going to be TOMORROW,
Tuesday, April 20th, at Locwode Hall in Falls Church. That's my house. If
you need directions, please don't hesitate to email me. I've already
received word that we will be having quite a few newcomers, so it would be
great if we could have many existing members to welcome them. Lots of fun
for everyone!

If you are new and would like to attend, we'd love to see you there. The
meeting is very informal, an ideal opportunity to meet people in the Barony,
learn more about the SCA, and get connected to folks who share your
interests. Just being yourself and your questions. We'll do the rest.....

Luce Antony Venus
Chatelaine, Ponte Alto

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