[Ponte Alto] This Month's Survey

Barbara barb at ravenstreet.org
Mon Apr 19 20:33:58 PDT 2004

Hello Ponte Alto.

Did you enjoy the survey in last month's Il Tempo?   Well, here's this
month's, with the topic compliments of the folks who were over to sing
tonight in Alle Psallite. (Yes, that's a bit of a plug.)


"What was your most entertaining feast?  Why? Was it the food, dinner
conversations, or planned (unplanned?) turn of events?"

Please respond by Sunday night directly to Sandy at: Sschu12345 at aol.com


Also, Officers, please remember to send me your reports for the next issue
by Sunday night.  And other articles or items to share are very welcome.

And don't forget that I'm still looking for my replacement!


Anne, Chronicler (temporarily)


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