[Ponte Alto] Kleine Fest

agnes daunce agnes_daunce at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 30 08:27:43 PDT 2003

Greetings Good Gentles of Ponte Alto!,

Thank you to those who have volunteered to help make the event

However, there is always an however <grin> we still need a Dance
Master.  The plan is to have dancing between removes and we need
a Dance Master to inspire and guide the attendees.  I know we
have some fine dancers in our Barony, who is willing to take on
the challenage?  Thank you all.

I believe hall set up is covered but I'm sure those who are
there early will pitch in and help.

And, of course, we need some wonderful person to volunteer to be
in charge of clean up. Mistress Anne, the Autocrat, and I will
certainly help with the clean up but we can use some help.

Thank you all who volunteer to make this a wonderful event!!

In service,

Agnes Daunce

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