[Ponte Alto] For Sale--or Donation to a Good Cause

Lady Courtney de Hoghton caerdubh at yahoo.com
Mon May 5 05:25:51 PDT 2003

Greetings Philippa d'Ecosse,

As I am sure you have gathered from previous
responses, the Barony is having a silent auction event
in September.  I am the organizer of said event and
would gladly take receipt of any items you would like
to donate.

Her Excellency Baroness Denise has also offered to
take in the items, as I am sure others can as well,
depending on where you reside within the Barony.  I
will next be at the Fighter Practice Picnic on the
18th if you would like to give them to me, and will be
attending the Baronial meeting that evening as well.

If you would like to make private arrangements, please
don't hesitate to email me directly.

Many thanks,

Lady Courtney de Hoghton
caerdubh at yahoo.com

--- "Phyllis M. Gilmore" <pmgilmore3 at comcast.net>
> You haven't heard from me lately (or maybe not at
> all), because I haven't
> been active since, oh, 97, when I moved from Caid.
> I am in the process of selling a house and moving
> into the condo, and I've
> discovered that I have two copies of Queen
> Elizabeth's Wardrobe Unlock'd
> (NEVER give me a book unless you've inventoried my
> library) and a small
> number other odds and ends of likely interest to the
> populace.
> Now, when I was in Caid, there were occasional
> raffles or auctions to raise
> funds for various good causes (such as the kingdom
> newsletter, Crown
> Prints).  I would prefer to donate the lot to the
> barony, kingdom, or
> related good cause--because, other than the book, I
> haven't a clue what a
> good price would be.
> Other items include a traditional bow, quiver,
> arrows (tips not applied, but
> otherwise the real thing), leather gloves, and
> related items.  These were
> billed by the seller as being suitable for some
> parts of our period (all
> standard caveats apply), and as I've never drawn the
> bow, I can't tell you
> what shape it's in.  (The plan to learn to shoot
> went by the wayside.  Some
> of you doubtless know what that's like.) The rest
> are true odds and ends--a
> cap here, a pouch there--that I'll likely not use,
> even when I play again.
> Any suggestions?
> Philippa d'Ecosse
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Courtney de Hoghton

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