[Ponte Alto] Question rebuttle

Spears, Kate KSpears at FDIC.gov
Wed Mar 26 06:23:35 PST 2003

With all due respect, Your Excellency, I'm with Chainsaw--If you hissed in
my face, I'd be pretty scared, too!


-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Reed [mailto:bereed26 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 8:51 AM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: RE: [Ponte Alto] Question rebuttle

> Encouraging newcomers to play with Chainsaw (the
> cat, not the power tool)
> was a spectator sport.  Chainsaw's speed was
> legendary, as were the
> sharpness of his lungehooks--all in all a nice
> kitty, though.

I have to disagree with you, Aislynn, about Chainsaw
being a "nice kitty".  I knew him much of his life
(Niall is, afterall, my mundane brother.  Well, he's
too strange to be "mundane".  How about "real life"
brother?), and he had more in common with the
powertool than with most cats.  I have a scar on my
arm because of that tempermental beasty.  Chainsaw
was, however, a "scaredy cat" if you hissed directly
in his face (well, at least he was scared of me when I
did it).  The two cats Niall & Teleri have now, Bedlam
& Dervish, are much nicer - and neither has tried to
take my arm off.


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