[Ponte Alto] Shibori Class from University

ArtsofPalm at aol.com ArtsofPalm at aol.com
Thu Jun 12 13:12:35 PDT 2003

Hello. For the class list, Kiana and I registered under

Nicki Merz          Kiana Lindsay
Regina Ryder          Irene Madhaidin

I went to the Dharma site and have bought some basic procion dyes and 
acoutrements, and some simple scarves to practice shibori.  I also got the 'bible' of 
shibori that you recommended in your class list.

I was looking at some of the dye discharge products for a 'reverse' shibori 
idea on some of the linen that Kiana and I bought.  I saw the discharge 
<A HREF="http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/1574-AA.shtml">http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/1574-AA.shtml</A>
the 'color remover'  which seems to be for large jobs (not really what I was 
thinking of doing
<A HREF="http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/1535-AA.shtml">http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/1535-AA.shtml</A>
and the 'bleach thickener'.... 
<A HREF="http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/694405-AA.shtml">http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/694405-AA.shtml</A>
Do you have any recommendations?  I won't be ordering this for a while.  I 
want to read the book and try out more of the traditional shibori stuff... but I 
thought that since I already have the linen, it might be worth a try when I 
get a bit better at it all.
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